
sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

Mi portafolio AICLE

Para mi portafolio AICLE he utilizado una imagen con puntos interactivos a través de la página ThingLink. He obtado por este formato porque todavía no había trabajado con este tipo de programas. Espero que os guste.

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014

How to teach Natural Science: CLIL solutions. Today: "Animals I. Vertebrates"

My CLIL unit "Animals I. Vertebrates" is included in the subject "Natural Science" and is bound to 1º E.S.O students. The aims of this unit are:

  • To distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates.
  • To know the types of vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals).
  • To know the characteristics of vertebrates (environment in which they live, type of skin, organ used to breath, body temperature, type and number of limbs, type of nutrition and reproduction).

I divide the unit into five sessions. In the first one, I introduce the topic and review the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates. To this aim, I use the first two activities of the CLIL Unit "Animals. Invertebrates and vertebrates", and the exercise 3 of "Science Antillas" of "e-learning for kids". In these three activities the students have to write ten names of animals and think if they are vertebrates or invertebrates, classify the animals that they see in the slideshow into vertebrates or invertebrates, do a word search and spot the vertebrates. I also use the slideshow to introduce the five types of vertebrates that we are going to study along the unit. In this session the students learn new key words such us backbone or endoskeleton, and I check it they have problems with the animals vocabulary. All students have to write a list with the new vocabulary and the translation in the case that they don´t know the words. They will include in this list the new words that they will learn along the unit.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Planificación de la unidad AICLE, recursos y materiales

En mi última publicación os mostré como ha quedado mi unidad AICLE "Animals I. Vertebrates", hoy os quiero contar cómo he planificado esta unidad, y los recursos y materiales que utilizo.

La unidad consta de 5 sesiones. En la primera presento a los alumnos el tema, en las sesiones 2, 3 y 4 estudiamos los distintos grupos de vertebrados y para la última sesión he diseñado una "computer season" en las cual los alumnos pueden repasar todo lo aprendido utilizando algunos de los recursos (juegos) disponibles en internet.

Para Natural Science existen infinidad de recursos en la web, desde otras unidades didácitcas (yo he utilizado actividades de estas unidades: Unidades AICLE), hasta juegos on line para practicar vocabulario y estructuras en L2. En particular la página web elearning for kids me parece fabulosa y hay multitud de actividades disponibles en LearningApps y educaplay. Yo he utilizado bastantes actividades de estos sitios web y he diseñado una actividad nueva utilizando LearninApps. Este sitio web te permite además insertar la actividad que diseñéis en vuestro blog para que los alumnos puedan acceder directamente. Inserto la que he diseñado yo para que la veáis.

Os dejo el enlace a mi nube virtual para que os podais descargar mi unidad didáctica y las actividades que he diseñado para cada sesión: Mi unidad AICLE.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Unidada AICLE terminada

Os invito a ver como ha quedado mi unidad AICLE terminada, "Animals I. Vertebrates" para Natural Sicence de 1º E.S.O. ¡espero que os guste!

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit

Subject:         Natural Science                                Teacher: Carmen Hernández Cervantes

Title of the Unit: Animals I. Vertebrates                            Course / Level: 1º E.S.O.    
1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
To distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates.
To know the types of vertebrates.
To know the characteristics of vertebrates.
2. Subject Content
Types of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Characteristics of vertebrates: environment in which they live, type of skin, organ used to breath, body temperature, type and number of limbs, type of nutrition and reproduction.

3. Language Content / Communication

Nouns: backbone, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, spinal cord, head, neck, trunk, limbs, tail, gills, fins, operculum, scales, frogs, toads, glands, lungs, eggs, tadpoles, metamorphosis, lizards, snakes, alligators, wings, feathers, embryo, foetus, amniotic liquid, sacs, hair, placenta, dolphins, whales, bats...
Adjectives: aquatic, terrestrial, moist, dry, smooth, thin, thick, fusiform, tetrapod, biped, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, cold-blooded, warm-blooded, oviparous, viviparous...
Verbs: have, use, be, cover, breathe, lay...
Prepositions: through, by, with, in...

Complete the sentence:  All vertebrates have              , fish breath through                .
Questions: How many types of vertebrates do you know? What kinds of vertebrates use lungs?
Active voice: All vertebrates have backbone, birds breathe through lungs.
Comparatives: Amphibians are cold-blooded however mammals are warm-blooded.
Such as, for example: Vertebrates, such as dolphins and bats, are mammals.
Classroom management:
Can you write your answer in your notebook? Can you write your answer in the blackboard? Can you work in pairs? Can you ask each other? Can you complete the table?
Discourse type
Exposition: Short definitions or comparative sentences
Description: Use of adjectives to describe characteristics of vertebrates
Language skills
Reading, writing, listening and speaking
4. Contextual (cultural) element
The necessity of protecting animals and their environments.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
understand, compare, analyse, explain
6. (a) Task(s)
Final Tasks:
1. Look for information about a vertebrate that you like and explain to your partner its body characteristics, where it lives and something curious about it. (Work in pairs)
2. Do you know that there are some mammals that lay eggs? Look for an example and explain it to the rest of the class. (optional activity)
6. (b) Activities
1st season
Difference between vertebrates and invertebrates
Warming up
- Activities 1 and 2 Unidad ACICLE Animals. Invertebrates and Vertebrates (Individual activities, 50 min with the general explanation of the unit)
1. Write 10 names of animals and think if they are vertebrates or invertebrates.
2. Classify the animals that you see in the slideshow into vertebrates or invertebrates. Do the word search.
- Exercise 3 of Science Antillas, The six types of animals from elearning for kids. Spot the vertebrates. (The big group, 10 min)
2st season
Fish, amphibians and reptiles
- 3 activitites from (The big group, 25 min with the explanation)
To study the parts of fish and reptiles and the characteristics of amphibians
- Activities 1 and 2 of the section FISH, activity 2 of the section AMPHIBIANS and REPTILES of Unidad AICLE Vertebrates (Individual activities, 20 min)
Activities to study the characteristics of these vertebrates by filling the gaps or marching the sentences.
- Watch the video about frogs metamorphosis and answer the questions. (Individual activity, 15 min)
What organs do tadpoles use to breathe? and frogs?
What kind of nutrition do tadpoles have? and frogs?
Do tadpoles have a tail? and frogs?
3rd season
Birds and Mammals
- 5 activities from (The big group, 30 min with the explanation)
To study the parts of birds and mammals and their characteristics.
To increase the mammals vocabulary.
- Activities 1 to 5 of the section MAMMALS and 1 of the section BIRDS of Unidad AICLE Vertebrates (Individual activities, 30 min)
To go deeper in the study of mammals and birds.
4th season
- Complete the table (40 min)

through gills


1. To learn the new vocabulary and the characteristics: Complete the table (Individual activity)
2. To be able to use the new vocabulary: Practice in pairs: each student has to say short sentences to connect the concepts, e.g. The skin of a fish is smooth and is covered with scales, fish breathe through gills...
- Final tasks (20 min)
Students work in pairs to explain the information that they found (See Final tasks 6a)
5th season
Review (1h)
Computer season (in pairs)
1) Exercise 5 of Science Caribbean sea. Classifying animals.
To classify the vertebrates into the different groups.
2) Exercise 4 of Science Caribbean sea. Classifying animals.
To review the characteristics of birds and amphibians
3) Exercise 3 of Science Caribbean sea. Classifying animals.
To review the characteristics of mammals.
4) Exercise 3 of Science Antilles. See animals and their habitats.
To classify animals into fish, reptiles and invertebrates
5) Exercise 2 of Science Mexico. Animals Habitats.
To review the characteristics of vertebrates and learn their habitats
6) Exercise 4 of Science Nova Zembla Expedition. Habitats
To learn about adaptation
7) Exercise 2 of Science South Africa. Plants, Animals and Energy.
To review the animals nutrition
8) Exercise 1 of Science Loch Ness. Care of our environment.
To be conscious about the necessity of protecting animals and conserving the environment.

7. Methodology
Organization and class distribution / timing

Organization: 5th seasons.
The timing and the distribution is specified in each activity.
Resources / Materials

1st season
Unidad AICLE Animals invertebrates and vertebrates
elearning for kids
2nd season
Unidad AICLE Vertebrates
Youtube video frogs metamorphosis
3rd season
Unidad AICLE Vertebrates

5th season
elearning for kids
Activities 1 and 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity 6
Ativity 7

Key Competences
Specific basic competencies that will be practiced: linguistic, mathematical, social, digital, cultural, learn to learn, autonomy, etc.
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Evaluation criteria
- To distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates.
- To know the 5 types of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
- To know the characteristics of vertebrates, environment in which they live, type of skin, organ used to breath, body temperature, type and number of limbs, type of nutrition and reproduction.
Evaluation criteria
- Participation in class, oral and written questions and evaluation tests.

Puedes usar este modelo de plantilla con la siguiente licencia.

Un primer modelo de esta plantilla ha sido publicado en:

Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.

Está basada sobre todo en la experiencia práctica a la hora de diseñar unidades y conversaciones con expertos y compañeros. También he tenido en cuenta la teoría de las 4 Cs de Do Coyle, expuesto en numerosas publicaciones como por ejemplo: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

En mi webmix he incluido enlaces de interés para los profesores de Natural Science. Por un lado, enlaces a unidades didácticas AICLE, por otro lado, videos interesantes que ya utilizo en mis clases, y finalmente, páginas de juegos de ciencias y blogs en inglés. Una de las páginas de juegos la he descubierto recientemente gracias a Diigo y me parece secillamente genial, en mi webmix se titula ScienceGames, espero que os guste.

El análisis de las unidades AICLE me ha permitido descubrir la gran cantidad de información existente en la red, lo que sin duda me ayudará a la hora de programar mis clases. La gran cantidad de actividades disponibles para la mayoría de temas de Natural Science hacen que afronte el reto de la enseñanza bilingüe con optimismo. Os dejo con mi análisis de la unidad AICLE.

He elegido la unidad "Vital functions" porque creo que es bastante completa y tengo que trabajarla en unos meses:

Vital functions
  1. ¿Cómo se ve reflejado el trabajo con la lengua y el contenido a la vez? ¿Qué actividades lo evidencian?
Para trabajar la lengua y el contenido a la vez la unidad se plantea entera en inglés. Además, contiene actividades introductorias que te permiten saber el nivel de los alumnos tanto en contenidos como en L2.
  1. ¿Qué características de la metodología AICLE se ven reflejadas y de qué modo? ¿uso de andamiaje, flexibilidad, cercano al alumno, variedad de recursos, trabajo por tareas, etc.?
Tiene una gran cantidad de características propias de la metodología AICLE, por ejemplo actividades de andamiaje para asimilar los conceptos y el vocabulario vistos en la unidad (ej. página 11 y 36). Además, plantea diversos mapas conceptuales, herramienta importante desde mi punto de vista, para facilitar el aprendizaje. Por otro lado, se incluyen diversos recursos como fotografías o listening que permiten trabajar las distintas destrezas (conversación, escucha, lectura y escritura) en L2.
  1. ¿De qué manera se refleja en las actividades de la unidad?
Las actividades se plantean de manera muy atractiva para el alumnado, acompañadas normalmente por fotografías e incluyendo sopas de letras o experimentos que además de captar la atención del aluno, ayudan a asimilar lo aprendido.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Tras el interesante chat en el que debatimos los "Retos y dificultades en la implantación de un programa AICLE", he aprendido ha realizar un storfy. El curso continúa siendo muy interesante. Os dejo con el storify del chat, espero que os guste.

storify Carmen

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Os dejo la unidad AICLE que he elaborado este tema, es muy básica pero se atiene a la realidad con respecto a las necesidades observadas en el tema 2 de ciencias de la naturaleza, para alumnos de 1º E.S.O. según el nivel de mi centro.

Template to design a CLIL didactic unit

Subject: Natural Sciences                           Teacher: Carmen Hernández Cervantes

Title of the Unit: Animals I. Vertebrates                           Course / Level 1º E.S.O.      

1. Learning outcomes
 / Evaluation criteria
To distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates.
To know the types of vertebrates.
To know the characteristics of vertebrates.
2. Subject Content
Types of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Characteristics of vertebrates: environment in which they live, type of skin, organ used to breath, body temperature, type and number of limbs, type of nutrition and reproduction.

3. Language Content / Communication

Nouns: backbone, endoskeleton, exoskeleton, spinal cord, head, neck, trunk, limbs, tail, gills, fins, operculum, scales, frogs, toads, glands, lungs, eggs, tadpoles, metamorphosis, lizards, snakes, alligators, wings, feathers, embryo, foetus, amniotic liquid, sacs, hair, placenta, dolphins, whales, bats...
Adjectives: aquatic, terrestrial, moist, dry, smooth, thin, thick, fusiform, tetrapod, biped, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, cold-blooded, warm-blooded, oviparous, viviparous...
Verbs: have, use, be, cover, breathe, lay...
Prepositions: through, by, with, in...


Complete the sentence:  All vertebrates have              , fish breath through                .
Questions: How many types of vertebrates do you know? What kinds of vertebrates use lungs?
Active voice: All vertebrates have backbone, birds breathe through lungs.
Comparatives: Amphibians are cold-blooded however mammals are warm-blooded.
Such as, for example: Vertebrates, such as dolphins and bats, are mammals.
Classroom management:
Can you write your answer in your notebook? Can you write your answer in the blackboard? Can you work in pairs? Can you ask each other? Can you complete the table?

Discourse type
Exposition: Short definitions or comparative sentences
Description: Use of adjectives to describe characteristics of vertebrates
Language skills
Reading, writing, listening and speaking

Scaffolding strategies
Complete the table
and covered with scales
through gills



How to work
1. To learn the new vocabulary: Complete the table
2. To be able to use the new vocabulary: Practice in pairs: each student has to say short sentences to connect the concepts, e.g. The skin of a fish is smooth and is covered with scales.

Puedes usar este modelo de plantilla con total libertad. Gracias por citar la fuente.

A first sample of this template has been published at:

Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.